Mindful Menopause and the 8 pillars of Wellness – as featured in Menopause Life Magazine June
At long last, society seems to be approaching a new era of openness about the menopause. The conversation, however, is still in its infancy – examining this phase of a woman’s life through the lens of an illness that needs to be cured!
The menopause revolution – as featured in Menopause Life Magazine May
Menopause is a phase of life that all women will experience. It is inevitable. It cannot be escaped… It is coming for us all! Its effects can be widespread, subtle or extreme – impacting all aspects of our lives from our family and relationships to our career. Sometimes, it alters the very essence of who we are.
Perimenopause: I was so excited – as featured in Menopause Life Magazine April
Excited about the menopause? Yes, you read correctly, that’s true! I must be one of the few women who was actually looking forward to the peri menopause and menopause because for 30 years I had experienced quite debilitating premenstrual symptoms which would last for two weeks every month.